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Machinedrum SPS-1UW
Place user files pertaining to the Machinedrum SPS-1UW here
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FreakyGrainhot! 06/07/2005  Hits: 2303
Just messing around with UW!
MD UW Only - By Kompatibelhot! 04/10/2006  Hits: 2300
Machinedrum UW made song using feedback as soundsource!
ReverseUWhot! 06/08/2005  Hits: 2295
Some experiments with reversing samples.
MD-UW + Sherman Filterbank v2hot! 10/31/2006  Hits: 2269
MD running through Sherman Filterbank. Careful with the volume. The last couple minutes is just me mucking around with that oh so lovely feedback UW users experience when using a recent OS and RAM machines. This time it had some purpose I guess. When the feedback hits, everything after that is all Filterbank. The first few bars are dry for some comparison.
Don't Test Our Gangstershot! 11/26/2006  Hits: 2265
a ten-minute outtake from a jam session with reset (lurker!). MD-UW through Sherman FB2 and a SH-101 through a Boss DD-3 (I think?).
Randig Tejphot! 12/17/2006  Hits: 2247
no samples, just pure RAM... :-x
Something Simplehot! 06/10/2005  Hits: 2230
Just UW but in a simple way!
Never Good Enoughhot! 06/02/2006  Hits: 2190
MD-UW w/ x0xb0x. Ram machine used to good effect. Mute, pattern changes, tweaks live. listen?
Nort Kelehot! 02/28/2006  Hits: 2186
Monomachine only song straight to multitracker, no efx added.
Candy v2hot! 03/06/2006  Hits: 2140
First MD-UW track.
downtherabbitholehot! 02/03/2006  Hits: 2115
this one's a little better I hope.
Niall Impulse 120 BPM {Timing Results}hot! 04/06/2007  Hits: 2111
This is a composite of two passes. The left channel is an impulse on quarter notes at 120 BPM, with all other tracks muted. The right channel is the same impulse track, but with all other tracks unmuted and their mix volumes turned to zero. I wanted to see if there would be a difference. Both passes were recorded to a Sony HiMD MZ-RH1. While I concur with David that a DAW is an acceptable means to capture and present sample-accurate recordings, I have opted to use a dedicated, realtime recording device to address concerns voiced by Nathan and others. Here are the first six peak to peak measurements. 1 to 2: 22016 2 to 3: 22112 3 to 4: 22016 4 to 5: 22048 5 to 6: 22112 6 to 7: 22016 ... You can follow the rest by opening up the wave file in your DAW. There appears to be a periodic fluctuation, but in the first six peaks, it's less than a millisecond at 96 samples. I'm not really concerned about the "musical" effect this entails, but I don't think these numbers are as extreme as the ones David has reported. David, what say you? The right channel, which was recorded with other tracks unmuted, but mixed to silence, is very interesting. You'll note that the first peak lines up exactly with the left channel, but they're all over the place, relatively speaking, after that!
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